fredag 16 december 2016

Edited volume on IL

D'Angelo, B., Jamieson, S., Maid, B. and Walker, J. (Eds) (2016). Information Literacy: Research and Collaboration across Disciplines. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse and University Press of Colorado.

torsdag 1 december 2016

Web Design Trends in Academic Libraries—A Longitudinal Study

This study examines several key design elements of 37 academic library Web sites (members of the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries) and how they have changed between 2012 and 2015. While several studies have reviewed library Web sites looking for common design elements and content, the present work may be the first to look at the design elements of a large group of library Web sites over time. This study has two main goals: to present an objective analysis of the navigation and search interface designs at research university library Web sites, and to assess the usage of Web-scale discovery systems and content management systems in libraries. Other areas explored include when sites were most recently redesigned and whether sites have adopted a mobile-friendly, responsive design. Notable findings include a very high usage of Web-scale discovery systems, an increasing adoption of open source content management systems, and increasing implementation of responsive design. Also noted was a strong and growing standardization in navigation design. This study concludes with a review of the trends and discussion of current design patterns in academic library Web sites.

tisdag 1 november 2016

Media Literacy and Information Literacy: Similarities and Differences

Lee and Soo (2014). Media Literacy and Information Literacy: Similarities and Differences. Comunicar, n. 42, v. XXI, 2014, Media Education Research Journal; pages 137-145

torsdag 10 mars 2016

The Research Ethics Guidebook

"...designed as a resource for social science researchers - those early in their careers, as well as more experienced colleagues". 

onsdag 28 januari 2015

Information Preservation

Lepore, J. (2015). The Cobweb: Can the Internet be Archived?. The New Yorker, January 26. (discussed in the article above).

tisdag 13 januari 2015

Matter matters

"Language matters. Discourse matters. Culture matters.
There is an important sense in which the only thing that does not seem
to matter anymore is matter."

Page 801 in Barad, K. (2003). Posthumanist performativity: Toward an understanding of how matter comes to matter. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 28(3), pp. 801-831.

onsdag 1 oktober 2014


"Pdfextract is an open source set of tools and libraries for identifying and extracting semantically significant regions of a scholarly journal article (or conference proceeding) PDF."

måndag 28 juli 2014

onsdag 2 juli 2014