Smith, Gene (2008). Tagging: people-powered metadata for the social web. Berkeley, Calif: New Riders
Understanding Folksonomy: Catalyzing Users to Enrich Information
torsdag 26 november 2009
tisdag 24 november 2009
"Learning Net är ett samarbetsprojekt mellan flera högskolor i Sverige.
Projektet stöds av Myndigheten för nätverk och samarbete i högre utbildning, nshu. Redaktionen startade sitt arbete i januari 2006.
Learning Net har idag ca 9000 unika besökare per månad och avsikten är att Learning Net ska vara ett välbesökt och interaktivt forum för högskolans lärare kring allehanda frågor om nätbaserat lärande."
fredag 13 november 2009
Research Unit on Communication, Organizational Learning and Aesthetics (RUCOLA)
Se särskilt:
Information technology, work and organization:
"We are interested to explore the ways in which emerging information and communication technologies (ICT) affect existing work processes and organizational forms, as well as how they contribute to alter the traditional relations between work and non-work. Our interest is centered on the notion of information technologies as artifacts that play an active role in organizational and institutional processes. We believe that new ICTs not are only redefining the nature of work by creating new identities, professions and communities, they also generate new discourses and disciplines that cross-traditional academic and professional boundaries.
Focus of the research include: the social construction of technology; the role of ICTs in activity systems; the relations between ICT, practice and community; the study the heterogeneous nature of work processes; participative approaches to design and technological change. Work in progress also covers the support to the conception and design of distributed intelligence systems and the exploration of the role of GroupWare technologies in organizational processes."
Se särskilt:
Information technology, work and organization:
"We are interested to explore the ways in which emerging information and communication technologies (ICT) affect existing work processes and organizational forms, as well as how they contribute to alter the traditional relations between work and non-work. Our interest is centered on the notion of information technologies as artifacts that play an active role in organizational and institutional processes. We believe that new ICTs not are only redefining the nature of work by creating new identities, professions and communities, they also generate new discourses and disciplines that cross-traditional academic and professional boundaries.
Focus of the research include: the social construction of technology; the role of ICTs in activity systems; the relations between ICT, practice and community; the study the heterogeneous nature of work processes; participative approaches to design and technological change. Work in progress also covers the support to the conception and design of distributed intelligence systems and the exploration of the role of GroupWare technologies in organizational processes."
Läsvärt om practice theory & workplace studies
Mind, Culture, and Activity, Volume 14 Issue 1 & 2 2007
Learning and Technology at Work
Management Learning, April 2009, Volume 40, No. 2
Special Issue: the Critical Power of the Practice Lens
Mind, Culture, and Activity, Volume 14 Issue 1 & 2 2007
Learning and Technology at Work
Management Learning, April 2009, Volume 40, No. 2
Special Issue: the Critical Power of the Practice Lens
practice theory,
workplace studies
måndag 9 november 2009
Call for papers
International Journal of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Special Issue
Information literacy beyond the academy: towards policy formulation
Edited by
Dr. John Crawford,
Glasgow Caledonian University
Information literacy has not been chosen as a subject for an issue of Library trends since 1991 vol. 39 (3) Winter 1991: Toward Information Literacy -- Innovative Perspectives for the 1990s
The issue was heavily focused on the Higher education sector. Since then research, development and practitioner activity has moved on and activity and research and development work around information literacy also takes place in career choice and management, employability training, skills development, workplace decision making, adult literacies training and community learning and development, public libraries, school and further education, lifelong learning and health and media literacies. Information literacy has matured sufficiently to have become a national and international policy issue as evidenced by President Obama’s proclamation and such international statements as the Prague Declaration of 2003.
The planned issue which will contain 8-10 papers will celebrate this broadening of the agenda by calling for papers on the above subject areas and also those focusing on national and international policy making. Papers submitted must reflect on the wider policy implications of their content and suggest how findings can be more widely applied. Individual case studies and exemplars of good practice without a wider context will not be appropriate. While papers on the HE sector will be welcomed they must focus on information literacy training and activity in a wider or cross sectoral context such as employability training or working with other education sectors such as schools or colleges or the workplace and other non-educational environments. Papers are invited from all information sectors and academia.
Proposals of no more than 300 words to be sent by 15 January 2010 to:
John Crawford at or
In framing proposals intending authors may wish to be view author guidelines on the journal website at
Decisions will be communicated to contributors no later than 26 February 2010.
Deliver date of manuscripts: 30 November 2010. Each article will be in the range 3,000-10,000 words. All copyright permissions must be obtained by the author. Proof of permission must be sent at the same time that the manuscript is submitted. Articles will be published in Volume 60:1 Summer/August 2011.
International Journal of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Special Issue
Information literacy beyond the academy: towards policy formulation
Edited by
Dr. John Crawford,
Glasgow Caledonian University
Information literacy has not been chosen as a subject for an issue of Library trends since 1991 vol. 39 (3) Winter 1991: Toward Information Literacy -- Innovative Perspectives for the 1990s
The issue was heavily focused on the Higher education sector. Since then research, development and practitioner activity has moved on and activity and research and development work around information literacy also takes place in career choice and management, employability training, skills development, workplace decision making, adult literacies training and community learning and development, public libraries, school and further education, lifelong learning and health and media literacies. Information literacy has matured sufficiently to have become a national and international policy issue as evidenced by President Obama’s proclamation and such international statements as the Prague Declaration of 2003.
The planned issue which will contain 8-10 papers will celebrate this broadening of the agenda by calling for papers on the above subject areas and also those focusing on national and international policy making. Papers submitted must reflect on the wider policy implications of their content and suggest how findings can be more widely applied. Individual case studies and exemplars of good practice without a wider context will not be appropriate. While papers on the HE sector will be welcomed they must focus on information literacy training and activity in a wider or cross sectoral context such as employability training or working with other education sectors such as schools or colleges or the workplace and other non-educational environments. Papers are invited from all information sectors and academia.
Proposals of no more than 300 words to be sent by 15 January 2010 to:
John Crawford at or
In framing proposals intending authors may wish to be view author guidelines on the journal website at
Decisions will be communicated to contributors no later than 26 February 2010.
Deliver date of manuscripts: 30 November 2010. Each article will be in the range 3,000-10,000 words. All copyright permissions must be obtained by the author. Proof of permission must be sent at the same time that the manuscript is submitted. Articles will be published in Volume 60:1 Summer/August 2011.
critical information literacy,
Information literacy
torsdag 5 november 2009
måndag 2 november 2009
Web 2.0 tools for Professional Teaching Associations
"Web 2.0, or the Read/Write” web, involves using tools that are easy to use with common features – tagging, RSS and FREE – resulting in powerful participation on-line for non-geeks.
Web 2.0 provides the tools to rapidly share information and construct knowledge among your professional social network in rich and re-usable ways for effective communication, contribution and collaboration in a 21st century learning community.
Discover what the web has in store for you, and how you can transform your professional practice and at the same time empower your association to meet the challenges of learning and teaching in an online world."
Web 2.0 provides the tools to rapidly share information and construct knowledge among your professional social network in rich and re-usable ways for effective communication, contribution and collaboration in a 21st century learning community.
Discover what the web has in store for you, and how you can transform your professional practice and at the same time empower your association to meet the challenges of learning and teaching in an online world."
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