måndag 6 december 2010

torsdag 2 december 2010

Studia Humaniora Ouluensia 8


The papers in this proceedings of USE-2008. From Information Provision to Knowledge Production conference held to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Information Studies at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Oulu, Finland share a common perspective – the contributors seek to provide a multidisciplinary account of knowledge production in different contexts. The first keynote paper provides a detailed review of the issues facing managers and users of digital infrastructure who must balance the demands of data management with those of scientific publication. The second keynote contribution explores documentary practices and the materiality of science at the micro level focusing on interpersonal and transinstitutional acknowledgments.

The contributed papers that make up the rest of the volume address the conference theme from a range of viewpoints. The first four explore knowledge management in different contexts – the difficulties of converting industrial experience into formal knowledge systems; the motives and tradeoffs that are involved in online knowledge sharing; the generation of knowledge through strategic dialogue; and the harvesting of informal travel tips in FAQ sites. The fifth paper discusses the ‘readiness’ of government agencies in Namibia for electronic record keeping, and the sixth paper presents empirical observations on the daily media and information behaviour of senior citizens leading to concrete actions. The seventh contribution analyses citation as a discursive practice, using Dervin's work on sense-making as an example, and the last paper offers a deeper analysis than is usual in LIS of the knowing subject in the work of Descartes, making a distinction between philosophical and sociological interpretations. The authors' short CVs conclude this proceedings.

Se särskilt Cronin och Lueg

onsdag 10 november 2010

Poster om IL

Intressant sätt att arbeta med IL i undervisning:

Information literacy in my future career

onsdag 27 oktober 2010

Scholarly communication in seven disciplines

Diane Harley, Sophia Krzys Acord, Sarah Earl-Novell, Shannon Lawrence, C. Judson King (2010), Assessing the Future Landscape of Scholarly Communication: An Exploration of Faculty Values and Needs in Seven Disciplines. Center for Studies in Higher Education, UC Berkeley

onsdag 20 oktober 2010

Av intresse för digitala katalog- och referenstjänster

Strategi: Nya fråga biblioteket

Det virtuella samtalet (En utvecklingsblogg för en ny svensk virtuell referenstjänst)

The participatory museum (The Participatory Museum is a practical guide to working with community members and visitors to make cultural institutions more dynamic, relevant, essential places)

(This blog will attempt to identify what might be “next” for archival institutions by:
1) Exploring Web 2.0 applications and discussing their applicability to archival institutions.
2) Identifying existing innovative uses of web technology in archives and related fields.
3) Discussing how applicable the existing archival business model is in the current and emerging information environment, and proposing modifications or a whole new model.)

Peacock, D. and J. Brownbill, Audiences, Visitors, Users: Reconceptualising Users Of Museum On-line Content and Services, in J. Trant and D. Bearman (eds.). Museums and the Web 2007: Proceedings, Toronto: Archives & Museum Informatics, published March 1, 2007

IFLAs guidelines for OPAC displays

de Groat, G. (2009), Future Directions in Metadata Remediation for Metadata Aggregators, Digital Library Federation. [http://www.diglib.org/aquifer/dlf110.pdf]

“The report is organized by categories of service that could be enabled with better metadata. Each section includes an inventory of available tools, assessment of those tools, and an evaluation of what might be accomplished in the future. The information gathered here provides a reference framework for members of the cultural heritage community to use when considering their own tool development priorities, and a road map for areas that would benefit from collaborative efforts.”

Två artiklar av David Lankes (anknyter till artikeln av Radford):

(2008) Virtual reference to participatory librarianship: expanding the conversation, Bulletin of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, Vol. 34, No. 2

Lankes, R. D., Silverstein, J. L., Nicholson, S., & Marshall, T. (2007). "Participatory Networks: The Library as Conversation" Information Research, 12(4) paper colis05. [Available at http://InformationR.net/ir/12-4/colis05.html]

Även förljande anknyter till Radfordartikeln:

Jung-ran Park, Guisu Li, Amy Burger, (2010) "Opening and closing rituals of the virtual reference service of the Internet Public Library", Journal of Documentation, Vol. 66 Iss: 6, pp. 807 - 823

Jung‐ran Park (2007), Interpersonal and Affective Communication in Synchronous Online Discourse, The Library Quarterly, Vol. 77, No. 2, pp. 133-155

fredag 15 oktober 2010

New Infrastructures for Knowledge Production

New Infrastructures for Knowledge Production: Understanding E-Science (2006), Christine Hine University of Surrey, UK (Ed.)Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global, 2006. p i.


tisdag 12 oktober 2010


Meyer, H.W.J. (2009). "The influence of information behaviour on information sharing across cultural boundaries in development contexts" Information Research, 14(1) paper 393 [Available from 1 March, 2009 at http://InformationR.net/ir/14-1/paper393.html]

Burnett, Gary (2000) "Information exchange in virtual communities: a typology" Information Research, 5(4) Available at: http://informationr.net/ir/5-4/paper82.html

Tamura, S., Miwa, M., Saito, Y., Koshizuka, M., Kasai, Y., Matsubayashi, M. & Ikeya, N. (2007). "Information sharing between different groups: a qualitative study of information service to business in Japanese public libraries " Information Research, 12(2) paper 306. [Available at http://InformationR.net/ir/12-2/paper306.html]

Fisher, K.E., Landry, C.F. and Naumer, C. (2006). "Social spaces, casual interactions, meaningful exchanges: 'information ground' characteristics based on the college student experience." Information Research, 12(2) paper 291. [Available at http://InformationR.net/ir/12-1/paper291.html]

onsdag 29 september 2010

ICT Transforming Education: a Regional Guide


Postat om på IFLAs mailinglista den 28/9 2010. Potentiellt intressant för LT-artikeln.


The online space for cultural informatics - apropå Digitala referens- och katalogtjänster

Se särskilt:

Peacock, D. and J. Brownbill, Audiences, Visitors, Users: Reconceptualising Users Of Museum On-line Content and Services, in J. Trant and D. Bearman (eds.). Museums and the Web 2007: Proceedings, Toronto: Archives & Museum Informatics, published March 1, 2007 Consulted September 29, 2010 (http://www.archimuse.com/mw2007/papers/peacock/peacock.html)

måndag 20 september 2010

Virtual Knowledge Studio

"The Virtual Knowledge Studio for the Humanities and Social Sciences (KNAW) supports researchers in the humanities and social sciences in the Netherlands in the creation of new scholarly practices and in their reflection on e-research in relation to their fields.

A core feature of the Virtual Knowledge Studio is the integration of design and analysis in a close cooperation between social scientists, humanities researchers, information technology experts and information scientists. This integrated approach provides insight in the way e-research can contribute to new research questions and methods."

torsdag 16 september 2010

IL-papers från CoLIS 2010

Lloyd, A. (2010). "Corporeality and practice theory: exploring emerging research agendas for information literacy" Information Research, 15(3) colis794.

Luyt, B. & Azura, I. (2010). "The sigh of the information literate: an examination of the potential for oppression in information literacy" Information Research, 15(3) colis711.

Fler CoLIS-papers


Center for Research on Activity, Development and Learning – CRADLE. We are a multidisciplinary research unit, focused on transformations and learning in collective activity systems and individuals facing new societal, cultural and technological challenges. Our work is inspired by cultural-historical activity theory and more broadly sociocultural approaches to human development. We are a community of researchers based at University of Helsinki.

Talking with you...


"“Talking with You: Exploring Interpersonal Information-seeking” was recently funded by the National Science Foundation. The study explores why people turn to other people for everyday information ranging from finding new jobs and lower mortgages, to healthcare, housing, childcare, social activities, and other aspects of daily life. It aims to expand empirical and theoretical knowledge of interpersonal information-seeking with a long-term focus on devising ways for improving information systems." (IBEC, Information behaviour in Everyday Context, University of Washington)

Collaborative librarianship


"Increasingly, libraries are moved to seek partnerships with other libraries, with other organizations in the information and technology fields, with other entities in our institutions, and with other groups and enterprises in our communities. While partnerships of all sorts have had a long history in the field of librarianship, today, as never before, there is greater urgency to develop and exploit library partnerships, and to think widely and creatively on new types of, and potentials for, partnerships.

Published materials appear from time to time on library cooperation and partnerships. Most recently, the America Library Association produced the volume, Burgett, James, John Hear and Linda L. Phillips. Collaborative Collection Development. A Practical Guide for Your Library (Chicago: ALA, 2004), 211 p. From time to time, articles appear in various library journals. These welcomed items provide insightful analyses of cases and opportunities of cooperative librarianship. At present, to my knowledge, there is no journal dedicated to the topic of cooperative librarianship, or dedicated to any aspect of resource sharing or coordinated library services.

As the issue rises in importance and urgency, perhaps now is the time to create an organum for treating consistently and comprehensively the matter of cooperative librarianship.

Features of Collaborative Librarianship include:

Open Access/Online Availability
Peer Reviewed Scholarly Articles
Better/Best practices
Engagement of a Wide Scope of Issues
library-to-library cooperation
sharing resources and expertise
library-to-business partnerships
local, regional, national and international collaboration
professional, consortium and association partnerships
history of library collaboration
The journal contains six sections: Editorials, Scholarly Articles, From the Field, Viewpoints, Reviews and News."

onsdag 8 september 2010

Sharing-artikel + en till...

Meyer, H.W.J. (2009). "The influence of information behaviour on information sharing across cultural boundaries in development contexts" Information Research, 14(1) paper 393 [Available from 1 March, 2009 at http://InformationR.net/ir/14-1/paper393.html]

Savolainen, R. (2009). "Epistemic work and knowing in practice as conceptualizations of information use" Information Research, 14(1) paper 392. [Available from 3 February, 2009 at http://InformationR.net/ir/14-1/paper392.html]

Avhandling om utvecklingen av forskarnätverk

Forsman, M. (2008), Development of research networks : the case of social capital, Åbo Akademi.

torsdag 26 augusti 2010

Apropå digitala referens- och katalogtjänster

Ny bok:

Library Mashups: Exploring New Ways to Deliver Library Data. Nicole C. Engard (ed.). London: Facet Publishing, 2009. 334pp, £29.95. ISBN 9781856047036

måndag 23 augusti 2010

Social Information Literacy

The implication of people’s Lay Information Mediary Behavior (LIMB) is the need for a new approach to the delivery of information literacy — an approach we coin Social Information Literacy. In addition to comprising the core elements of traditional information literacy — “to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use information” (National Forum on Information Literacy, 2010) — Social Information Literacy premises that individuals be attuned to the information situations of others, that they have the skills to surface people’s information needs, and know how to optimally provide information (i.e., the right information, in the best format, in the right way at the right time), while utilizing personal information management systems. Social Information Literacy thus promotes 21st century skills by extending traditional information literacy to reflect people’s broader range of everyday life information behavior.

(Technology & Social Change Group, TASCHA; University of Washington Center for Information & Society) http://cis.washington.edu/research/socialinfolit/

onsdag 11 augusti 2010


Papers från The Information Literacy Research Seminar, CoLIS 2010.

tisdag 10 augusti 2010


PhilPapers is a comprehensive directory of online philosophy articles and books by academic philosophers. We monitor journals in many areas of philosophy, as well as archives and personal pages.


Last night I dreamt about a research project that you were carrying out. I was one of the participants together with former colleagues of mine from the Computer science department at *** University. We were all supposed to qualify as “information professionals”. You wanted us to look at and handle a rather substantial collection of printed bibliographies and classification systems. You said you wanted to find out if we showed any signs of particular appreciation when we were flicking through these old publications – if they “had something” that digital versions don’t have. It was all set up as an experiment. However, when we were to start our examination of the documents, which were gathered in a few rather big stacks, the stacks fell over and ended up in a mess on the floor; you then calmly explained that the experiment had to be postponed.

onsdag 14 april 2010

Reports about the UNESCO Training the trainers

International Information and Library Review, Vol. 41, issue 4 (December 2009) is devoted to reports about the UNESCO "Training the trainers"


Peer review: a guide for researchers (2010)

"This guide has been produced by The Research Information Network to provide researchers with an understanding of the peer review process and some of the current issues surrounding the debate about peer review."

torsdag 8 april 2010

torsdag 25 februari 2010


Ett intressant sätt att presentera?


IL timeline

International INFOLIT Timeline (1974 - ...)
by Alejandro Uribe Tirado, University of Antioquia Medellin, Colombia

fredag 5 februari 2010

IL-artikel: "Collecting case studies"

Irving, C. (2009).Collecting case studies / exemplars of good practice to enrich The National Information Literacy Framework (Scotland). Library and Information Research. 33(105)

This paper discusses the challenges, process and reasons for collecting case studies / exemplars of good practice from practitioners to enrich The National Information Literacy Framework (Scotland). The lessons learned show that there is a tendency for people to think they are not doing anything special and therefore do not respond to emails for exemplars of good practice. They are however once contacted happy to share their practice. It is therefore essential to use networks of contacts, leave plenty of time to talk, visit and work with people on submitting their work as a case study / exemplar. Sharing practice also contributes to professional development both for the individual and their community and to the field of research.

torsdag 28 januari 2010


"Jing offers free downloadable software that enables you to create audio tutorials, simple screen shots, and then share them freely with others." via: Information Literacy at ISU

tisdag 26 januari 2010

Framsidan special

Om skolbibliotekens pedagogiska roll i skolan. Artiklar av bland andra Louise Limberg, Carol Gordon och Ross Todd.


måndag 25 januari 2010

Information behaviour of the researcher of the future

Williams & Rowlands (2007).The literaure on young people and their information behaviour



Sundin, O. & Francke, H. (2009). "In search of credibility: pupils' information practices in learning environments" Information Research, 14(4) paper 418. [Available at http://InformationR.net/ir/14-4/paper418.html]

Francke, H. & Sundin, O. (2009). Format Agnostics or Format Believers? How students in high school use genre to assess credibility. Poster presented at ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.

Intressant artikel om digitala uppslagsverk

Jutta Haider & Olof Sundin (2010). Beyond the legacy of the Enlightenment? Online encyclopaedias as digital heterotopias. First Monday, Volume 15, Number 1.

tisdag 19 januari 2010

E-books bibliography

A summary of writings related to e-book, e-textbook and e-monograph publishing and use. (Chris Armstrong, IAL)


onsdag 13 januari 2010

Call for papers-blog

Dolores' List of CFPs

"This blog shares calls for papers and presentations in the disciplines of Library Science, Information Science, Instructional Design and Technology, Education, including Adult Education, and Women’s and Gender Studies. Other calls may be listed that relate in some way to the above disciplines. It is also a place to find advice about writing, publishing and presenting."

tisdag 5 januari 2010

Shaping Written Knowledge

Bazerman, Charles. 2000. Shaping Written Knowledge: The Genre and Activity of the Experimental Article in Science. WAC Clearinghouse Landmark Publications in Writing Studies: http://wac.colostate.edu/books/bazerman_shaping/ Originally Published in Print, 1988, by University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wisconsin.