torsdag 5 september 2013

Sociala medier i högskolebibliotek

Tips and trends, Instructional Technologies Committee

onsdag 17 juli 2013

Agential realism

Barad, K. (2003) Posthumanist performativity: Toward an understanding of how matter comes to matter. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 28(3), pp. 801-831.

torsdag 6 juni 2013

Eugene Garfields webbplats

Länkar till ett antal "klassiker" i fulltext (bl.a. längst ner på sidan, via kollegor)

onsdag 8 maj 2013

Scholarly communication...

Dallmeier-Tiessen et al (2011) Highlights from the SOAP project survey

Scholarly and Research Communication is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, Open Access online journal that publishes original contributions to the understanding of production, dissemination, and usage of knowledge.

torsdag 7 mars 2013

Martens, H. (2010), Evaluating media literacy education: Concepts, theories, and future directions. Journal of media Literacy Education, 2(1), pp. 1-22